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Welcome to

The Way

A family of believers seeking the truth and the life.

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The Way is a church that believes in Jesus

Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.

Building Community

In our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth.


Adopting of the thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with love and the gospel message.

Love Our Community

Serve your community with love, passion and care. Once a month we launch into the community with 20-25 service projects that you can choose from. You will be part of a team serving schools, homeless agencies, community organizations, and many others.

Bless Our Schools

Every year we send the children from the Boys & Girls Clubs of our community; and other non-profit organizations back to school prepared to learn. You can help by donating school supplies for the backpacks we have already purchased.

Feeding The Homeless

Every Saturday we meet at 9:30a at Dorothy’s where the fun begins!! Chopping and preparing food, setting up the tables, making sandwiches and serve lunch to more than 150 people.

An Introduction To

Children’s Ministry

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Children’s Ministries partners with parents in the spiritual development of their families through a variety of programs and resources.

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The Young Adult Ministry is a group for people in the 18-25 age group.

Every Sunday night the Young Adult Ministry gathers in the Parkside Room at 7:00 pm for a time to worship, hang out with friends, and learn from God’s Word. Each week, we also break into smaller men’s and women’s growth groups to build closer friendships and discuss God’s Word.

An Introduction To

Young Adults

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An Introduction To

Young Adults

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The Young Adult Ministry is a group for people in the 18-25 age group.

Every Sunday night the Young Adult Ministry gathers in the Parkside Room at 7:00 pm for a time to worship, hang out with friends, and learn from God’s Word. Each week, we also break into smaller men’s and women’s growth groups to build closer friendships and discuss God’s Word.

An Introduction To

Women’s Ministry

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Women’s Ministry Director

Our women’s ministry exists to “Help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ.”

Our Women’s Ministry lives out this mission as we help women: Live with Christ, Live like Christ, Live for Christ. We believe these three goals capture the heart of God for every woman.


We welcome visitors and would love to have you join us in one of our church services.

Service Times

Leave Blank

7:30 AM – Main Sanctuary

9:30 AM – Main Sanctuary

11:30 AM – Main Sanctuary


Lift Evangelistic Study

7:30 PM – Main Sanctuary


Men’s Ministry

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary

Women’s Ministry

7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall


Mid-Week Service

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary


Young Adults

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary


Joyful Life

7:00 AM – Main Sanctuary


Through The Bible

9:00 AM – Main Sanctuary

Last Sunday’s Service

Last Wednesday’s Service

Passionate Worship

We are unashamedly passionate when it comes praising Jesus.

Upcoming Events

We are committed to helping you find the right path to spiritual development and ministry opportunities.

831 777 1234

Church Office

Monterey Address:
117 Pacific Avenue, Monterey

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you.

THE WAY A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.

A Free Divi Layout Kit by Geno Quiroz

The Way


Opportunities to dig deeper and grow in your faith

Growing in Christ

Everyone has room to grow as a follower of Christ. The Way provides a wide variety of opportunities for personal growth from the newest believer to the those with years of experience.


For more info contact Tim Sherman

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Our Nursery is available for babies aged 6 weeks to 12 months. Our primary purpose is to give love and care in a warm, safe environment while parents attend worship service.

One Year Old
Babies aged 12 months to 23 months are welcomed in our Ones Room. Our goal is to care for the children and share Jesus’ love with them.

Two Year Old
Toddlers get their first look at the wonder of God. We help a child learn that: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus wants to be My Friend Forever.

The Reef

Preschool – Threes and Fours see the world bursting with newness. Each day is filled with one new discovery after another. Preschoolers experience worship, are encouraged to talk to God any time, any place. They engage the five senses to help master the concept of God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants to be My Friend Forever.

The Cove

Kinder-5th Grade – And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in Favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52. Elementary age kids explore three Basic Truths every child should embrace according to what Jesus modeled in Luke 2:52, as they experience worship, God’s word, and small group community through “252” Basics:

  • I need to make a wise choice.
  • I can trust God no matter what.
  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Middle School

For more info contact Tim Sherman

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What is middle school life group

For the past few years, we have been offering Home Groups as a mid-week option for students to deepen their relationships with their friends and leaders in a safe, Christian environment and grow closer to God through teaching and discussion on the truths of the Bible and how they apply to life. While our season of Home Groups was very fruitful and fun, we feel it is necessary to make some changes in order to strive more and more towards the call of discipleship in the lives of students. Life Groups are going to be similar to Home Groups in a couple of ways. One, we are asking some of you parents who feel led, to be willing to open your home once a week for a Life Group to be held. Two, we are still going to be growing deeper in our relationships with others and God. However, Life Groups will be different than Home Groups in that each home will host one Life Group which consists of one of our trained Leaders and about eight students all of the same gender.

How do I get my child plugged in?

Life Groups are registration based, and how it works is once we receive an online registration form we look at a few different things like your child’s age/grade, school/where you live and what friends/leader they want to be with. Once this information is taken into consideration, everyone will be placed into a new group and a launch date for each group will be put in place. If a new student comes later in the year and wants to register, one of two things will happen. One, if there is an existing group that is open to taking more students, we will contact the group leader and start the process of getting the child plugged in. Or, if all groups are full, we will partner together to recruit more students and a suitable leader to join the team and get one going!

High School

For more info contact Tim Sherman

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Dynamic High School Ministry

Shoreline’s dynamic High School Ministry strives to offer an environment that guides students toward total commitment to Jesus Christ. High School Students meet throughout the week on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Sunday mornings at 10:00a we all grab some grub & something w/ caffeine & then we all head into main service with our families. Experiencing and participating in worship with the church family at large is a huge piece to a student’s spiritual formation. Then, during 3rd service on Sundays, we offer a High School Youth Gathering at 11:30a in the Garden Room/Rm 1208. This is a gathering for any high school student seeking to understand the basics of Christianity, the Bible, and faith. All high school students are welcome.

Young Adult

For more info contact Tim Sherman

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What is the Young Adult Ministry?

The Young Adult Ministry is a group for people in the 18-25 age group. Every Sunday night the Young Adult Ministry gathers in the Parkside Room at 7:00 pm for a time to worship, hang out with friends, and learn from God’s Word. Each week, we also break into smaller men’s and women’s growth groups to build closer friendships and discuss God’s Word. Finally, every month the Young Adult Ministry gets together for a fun event.


For more info contact Shelly

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Our Vision

Our ministry exists to “Help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ.” Our Women’s Ministry lives out this mission as we help women: Live with Christ, Live like Christ, Live for Christ. We believe these three goals capture the heart of God for every woman.

Women's Book Club

Do you enjoy Reading? Our book club provides a great opportunity to discuss interesting books with other likeminded women. You are welcome to join us at any time. We meet at homes in the greater Monterey area, monthly from 7:00 – 8:30 PM on the third Thursday of each month (other than in July and December). Come and enjoy fellowship with new friends, great discussions, and light snacks.

A different book is selected for each month’s meeting. Club members are encouraged to recommend books and the group leader selects the books she believes offers the best opportunity for a great discussion. Christian books as well as secular books that provide opportunities to reflect on spiritual matters are selected.

The book club also encourages a book exchange among members. Members are given an opportunity to describe and offer Christian non-fiction books they find particularly compelling for others in the group to borrow, keep, or pass along to others. This provides another opportunity to share good books.

Members do not need to attend every meeting. But when the monthly invitation is received, you are asked to RSVP (yes or no) so that the host can be prepared with enough chairs and refreshments.

Single Moms Gathering

Join us to gain tools and wisdom for single parenting. We will discuss topics such as career counseling, budgets, self-care and having fun! Kids ages 3 years thru 5th grade join us for a meal and then attend Awana from 6:00 – 7:30PM. Childcare is not provided.

Men’s Ministry

For more info contact Dirk

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Our Vision

The Men’s Ministry contains various programs that strive to meet the needs of men in our community. Opportunities to get involved are special events (for example: Father-Daughter Dance, Casino Night), Radical Mentoring (a yearlong program of intensely focused mentoring), retreats, sports, recreational activities and adventure events. The ministry is constantly growing.

Still need help? Send us a note!

For any questions, please write us at or call us on 831 777 1234

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THE WAY A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.

A Free Divi Layout Kit by Geno Quiroz

The Way

About Us

A family of believers seeking the truth and the life

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ!

What We Believe

Statement of Beliefs.

We Believe

Worship of God should be Spiritual. Therefore: We remain flexible and yielded to the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.

We Believe

Worship of God should be Inspirational. Therefore: We give a great place to music in our worship.

We Believe

Worship of God should be Intelligent. Therefore: Our services are designed with great emphasis upon teaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshiped.

We Believe

Worship of God is Fruitful. Therefore: We look for His Love in our lives as the supreme manifestation that we have truly been worshiping Him.

Our Team

“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12

Dirk Smith


Shelly Grant

Women’s Ministry Director

Tim Sherman

Young Adult Pastor

Rick Fuller


Passionate Worship

We are unashamedly passionate when it comes praising Jesus.

THE WAY A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.

A Free Divi Layout Kit by Geno Quiroz

The Way

Contact Us

We love to meet new people.

If you have any questions about The Way, please get in touch!

2 + 14 =

Our Address

117 Pacific Avenue,
Monterey, CA 93343


831 777 1234

Direct Message

Follow Us


Serving Opportunities

Children’s Ministry


THE WAY A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.

A Free Divi Layout Kit by Geno Quiroz

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